Emotional Sobriety
Getting your recovery unstuck.
Wednesdays 5:30 pm- 6:30 pm
Emotional sobriety is the result of true independence of spirit.
This group focuses mainly on the work of Dr Allen Berger; a well-known public speaker and nationally recognized expert on the science of recovery.
Facilitated by Astrid
7 Morgan St, Springfield, VT 05156
““Emotional Sobriety is the result of an appropriate balance and coordination of all that we are. It is when the best in us does the thinking and talking for the rest of us. This state of mind is achieved when we let go of what we think life is supposed to be and instead cope with whatever challenges life sets before us. It is when what we do becomes the determining force in our emotional well-being rather than allowing our emotional well-being to be overly influenced by external events or by what others are or are not doing.” ”