Offers a variety of online meetings and various other outside resources
Addiction Recovery Guide
Offers a variety of online communications, including chat rooms, message boards, etc. They also offer online media and online meetings with specific meeting topics (i.e. cocaine anonymous)
Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup
Offers online meetings with specialized topics with a variety of meeting formats (i.e. chat, text, e-mail, etc.)
List of local AA meetings for Springfield VT.
Local Narcotics Anonymous meetings, several of which have opened an online presence.
In The Rooms A Global Recovery Community
Offers online meetings with specialized topics. They have multiple modalities, including 12 step, non-12 step, over all wellness, and overall mental health.
LifeRing Secular Recovery
Offers online meetings using Zoom. They already have a set schedule for all 7 days of the week with various speakers already scheduled.
NA Recovery
Offers a recovery chat rooms using text chat. They also provide other recovery resources such as testimonies, readings, etc.
Offers live teleconference NA meetings around the clock, hosted from around the world.
Never Alone Club
Offers daily online meetings with 24/7 text chat with other members. They also offer a variety of extra resources, such as meditation for NA, relapse prevention, and other recovery-oriented resources.
Recovery Chat Rooms: 12-Step Meetings and Open Fellowship Chat
Offers a variety of meetings based on an already set schedule using text chat
SMART Recovery
Offers online meetings and an online community with message boards and a chat room
Unity Recovery + WEconnect + Alano Club
Offering online recovery support groups which will be available four times daily at 9AM, 12PM, 3PM, and 9PM EST.
Virtual NA
All the meetings on the Virtual NA meetings lists are sorted by language and day of the week. The meeting times are based on local device time. Looking for speaker jams or other special activities? Click on the Formats tab and scroll down and select “Special Event“
Women for Sobriety
Offers online support with open forums where women can share and seek support 24/7 plus text messaging support schedules 2 times a day. They also offer phone support.