Recovery Ready Workforce

There are a growing number of cooperate leaders who have discovered that providing people in recovery with a second chance at success, is more than charitable outreach to a disadvantaged group, it is good business.
— Sack, 2014

our goals:

  • Host recovery friendly workshops for businesses and HR departments

  • Provide on-site introductions and recovery coaching to employees.

  • Present Recovery Ready Workforce (RRW) toolkit to employers and their employees.

  • Support employers to adopt and implement version of this toolkit.

  • Provide recovery support services to employees who request them, or are referred by employers.

  • Connect job-seekers in recovery with Recovery Friendly employers.

People in recovery can make fantastic employees! When shown support, these folks are often the hardest working, most loyal team members a company can have. Let’s work together to build understanding, trust, and the type of cultures that support a healthy and productive community.

We help workplaces become recovery friendly